December 2018
Hello from our side of the cosmos!
Have you started your holiday shopping yet? Don’t worry — we got you covered for that special someone who is out of this world. Like, I don’t know, maybe a life size Darth Vader?
No? Too much?
Well there’s no accounting for taste with some people. But don’t worry, we have more new additions than just the Lord of all Siths for the holiday season.
Like check out these brand new Comicon Exclusive Pan’s Labyrinth busts we got in just a few weeks ago. Imagine seeing these two lookers under your tree this year.
Too creepy for your gift list? No problem. Along with these high end, new items, we also have some great vintage Disney toys walk through our doors, like a vintage Beast figure that transforms into the handsome prince, a 1960’s Prince Adam with all the trappings, and a rare, Snow White’s evil Queen in disguise.
Along with our usual Disney, fantasy, and Star Wars hauls, we have some bright and shiny Marvel figures and busts that are just aching to go to a good home. Come pick yours up today!
These are only the tip of the iceburg for our new collections. Make sure Blast is on your go-to shopping spots this year, and we can’t wait to see you again in 2019!
A quick note: the store will be closed on Christmas and New Years Day so our staff can enjoy the holidays. Thanks!